
Check out our services

Linguaemundi is a company which provides language solutions. If you have any language related needs, we have the solution.

All of our services have these three features: low prices, speedy delivery and high quality.
We always do our utmost to give our customers choices so that we can adapt our services to their needs. These needs can include extremely tight deadlines, large amounts of work, use of specific software or work process, certification, the need for a high level of expertise in a given area, and any other language related requirement.



Decades of experience, a diverse and highly qualified team, boosted by a network of hundreds of qualified freelancers and partnerships with other quality certified companies, means that we can handle projects into and from any combination of languages: from Albanian to Zulu.
Our commitment to Customer Obsession always ensures that: we translate, localize, revise/edit, interpret, adapt and transcreate, as many times as it is necessary until we are communicating our customers’ message exactly the way they want to communicate it.


The poet Fernando Pessoa once said “My Homeland is my language”; and for more than 300 million people scattered throughout Europe, Africa, South America and Asia, that language, with all it local variants, is Portuguese. Portuguese is the 5th most spoken language in the world and the official language of Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, S. Tomé and Príncipe and East Timor. It is also used in Macau and Goa. Although we serve customers from all over the world, Linguaemundi is based in Portugal which makes it particularly competitive in language services from and to Portuguese, thanks to its internal and external team.

We specialize in legal and financial translation

“The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions."  Alfred Lord Tennyson

We always use linguists who are natives in the target language they are translating to and with experience and training in the areas of the projects assigned to them. They also always have prior experience working with the company before they are assigned to our customers.